From the moment we took off in our super fancy private jet (my mom literally sent me a text that basically said “stay who I raised you to be”), I didn’t stop humming “Miami” by Will Smith.

I’d never been to Miami, so it felt like the right and cool thing to do. We touched down and I instantly felt my hair poof out and the humidity felt all too familiar (I am from Louisiana… I grew up with humidity hair…a post on how to deal with the frizz is coming soon). I was heading down for Miami Swim Week and I quickly realized that I had eaten too much fast food and exercised too little to REALLY feel like my best self. Really though… hanging out with swimsuit models for a week was a real delight. Ha. We all remember THIS moment, right? BUT after a few drinks on the beach delivered to me under the umbrella, I quickly forgot about my pizza baby and decided to LIVE IT UP.

We went to a club that had an ice skating rink in it. Yes, you heard right. AN ICE SKATING RINK… IN A NIGHTCLUB! Talk about living the dream! From the crystal blue water and white sand, the perfectly toned and bronzed bods all around me, to the swim fashion, it was the perfect first visit to Pitbull’s hometown!  I’d love to hear your favorite things to do in Miami (I need to go back STAT)… puhhhhlease leave in the comments below.

My favorite pics from the trip:




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